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Bloom Therapy WA provides home, school, daycare and community based services within the southern suburbs of Perth. These services are catered towards children with a developmental delay, autism spectrum disorder or intellectual disability, from the ages of 0-12 years old.

Stretching Exercise


Occupational Therapy (OT) focuses on enhancing a child’s ability to participate in daily activities and develop essential skills. An OT addresses challenges related to developmental milestones, including:

  • Fine and gross motor skills 

  • Sensory processing 

  • Emotional regulation 

  • Behaviour support 

  • Self-care such as toileting and mealtimes 

  • Social interactions and social skills

  • Handwriting 

  • Executive functioning 

  • Cognition and attention 

  • General independence 

  • School readiness skills


Therapy sessions provided in the child’s home, school, daycare or community so they are supported to outshine their goals in their natural environments.


A functional capacity assessment looks at how well a person is able to do daily tasks at home, at school, at work, and in the community.The purpose of functional assessment is to define the needs and objectives of an individual and how they can participate in the community. Contact us if you are seeking an assessment!


Parent education sessions are utilised to build capacity, develop skills and implement helpful strategies into a parents skill set, so they can better support their children at home and in the community.


Standardised assessments and reports can be completed to better understand your child’s needs, provide evidence for ongoing funding and support, educate key stakeholders in the child’s life or to provide a baseline of their skills.


All of our services are available via Telehealth and are tailored towards the clients and families goals. A session outline will be provided prior to the commencement of the appointment, with a list of any resources that may be required throughout the session. All recommended resources will be ones you will likely have at your home already.


Consultations can be helpful when trying to identify where your child is at developmentally, provide helpful strategies specifically tailored to the child or to determine if occupational therapy is right for your child. Consultative support is suitable when a family is wanting to develop their capacity to better understand and support their child’s needs, rather than face-to-face sessions with the child and therapist.


The NDIS can be a tricky space to navigate. We are able to support you to better understand the NDIS and utilise your NDIS Plan whilst still providing holistic services to support the participant and their key stakeholders. 


Visual resources, home programs, support letters and daily schedules are just the beginning of some of the resources we are able to provide to ensure continual progress no matter the environment or situation. 



01. NDIS Plan Managed

Bloom Therapy WA will send the invoices directly to your plan managed for payment.

02. NDIS Self-Managed

Bloom Therapy WA will invoice you directly for payment. 

03. Medicare Rebate - CDM

If you are eligible for a CDM plan from your GP, you can claim a partial rebate from Medicare when submitting the paid invoice (in full) to Medicare.

04. Private Health

If your private health covers OT, you can submit your paid invoice (in full) to your private health fund and claim the partial rebate. 

05. Out of Pocket

You are responsible to pay the invoice out of pocket, for 100% of the invoice amount.


“There is no greater disability in society than the inability to see a person as more.”

- Robert M. Hensel

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